31 July 2007

Work Drama

Last week I began working on a new project. It's a simple project that involves me review accounts that were rejected at enrollment. No biggie. So, I've been working on it on and off, not paying too much attention to the details until yesterday. Yesterday I began to notice a pattern. This morning, the pattern continued and I began to notate the pattern and had planned on bringing it to the attention of someone once I had complied enough information to share. But, before I could complete my 'research' of this pattern I shared what I thought what was going on before I could prove my theory. So, for a majority of the day, I've been researching additional accounts (not including specific accounts that were enrolled by a specific Rep number) to see if my theory is correct. Hence, the reason for the late entry today.

There is more drama than the above at work, but I can not write about it at this time. Maybe within a few days.

Aside some all of the above, all is well. I've talked to Mom and Amelia is doing fine. Very chatty and full of wiggles and giggles. Although, Amelia has taught herself how to laugh while breathing in, or inhaling, rather than learning to laugh while exhaling. I've asked Mom to correct this habit.

Oy! there is so much drama going in my life write now; I could so totally write a column about it in a local paper. If only I had an interesting writing style then maybe I would. Let's just say living with future in-laws is full of entertainment, some funny and some not.

In any event, I'm going to return to my project. Have a fun Tuesday!

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