20 May 2007

First weekend without Amelia

Well, on Friday Greg and I met Mom in Waldorf and dropped Amelia off for the week! And, so far so good according to Mom.

After we dropped Amelia off, we went to Annapolis to pick up my medicine and then we went to Annapolis Mall to return my skirt. I was hoping to find a new skirt but either the sizes were too big or too small. So, I ended up with a pair of shorts. Also, these shorts are two sizes smaller than the skirt that I exchanged! I am still loosing weight and buying clothes smaller and smaller! I am now down to a size that I wore 10 years ago! And you know what's funny, this summer is my 10 year high school reunion and I am back to the weight I was in high school! So weird!

After shopping, Greg and I went and saw Shrek the Third. It was pretty good. The detail of the characters was great. The story was ok. I feel the second Shrek had a better story.

After the movies, Greg and I head to the grocery store to pick up a few things that end up being more. Damn Giant and their great sale! So, after the shopping we head home and cook dinner. A yummy italin chicken with cheese tortillini and salad. Once dinner was over, we head over to his place to change the kitty litter. Long story. And head back home to go to bed.

Saturday, we wake up at 7:30 and leave a around 8:30 to head to Fed Ex Field for the JSOH Air Show at Andrew's Air Force Base. We arrive at the stadium around 9:30-ish, pass the check point and walk to the buses. The bus ride was strange because we had to stand the whole ride to the base and I always find it weird to stand on a bus. Anyway, while in route to the base there is this huge plane flying over and Greg says it's an old WWII Fighter Plane. Cool. I was able to get pictures of it when we arrived at the base. I took a few pictures of the air show and put them on Flickr, go take a look! Anyway, the air show was a little disappointing and Greg and I left at 3pm and we were home by 4. I fell asleep on the way home and as soon as Greg and I got home, we fell asleep and slept for the rest of the night! Basically from 4:30 until 12:30am! And then I fell asleep again around 2am and slept until 9:30. I don't think I've slept that much in such a long time.

Sunday, Today, Greg and I went to check out an apartment, but they were closed. So, we went to lunch at Cactus Willies cause I had a coupon and then he went home and I've been home since. Sean went to visit Laurie and Aaron went to visit his Mom. So, about 10 minutes after everyone left, Craven shows up and now he and I are going to go see Disturbia.