13 May 2007

Mother's Day 2007

Well, today is Mother's Day.
Today is my first Mother's Day...
I don't know how I feel. I'm not all that excited nor am I disappointed that I didn't have the 'Hallmark' Mother's Day, especially with this being my first. I did have a great weekend. Greg and I did a lot of things together and for me, that is what made my day special.

On Saturday, Amelia had her 4 month check-up. It went well. She also received 4 shots. The doc told up to start feeding her cereal around 5.5 months of age and that we will see him again when she is 6 months (July).

After the appointment, we, along with my brother, drove over to April and Brian's place so my brother could look at their air conditioner. Sean didn't have all his tools so he couldn't do a thorough inspection, but he said they either have a leak or need a new compressor. Always fun.

After the stop to Brian and Aprils, we went and got an oil change for Greg and then we were FINALLY on our way down to Nanjemoy. By now, it's 12pm and it's a long dive to Nanjemoy. The drive went well, practically no traffic. While in Waldorf, Amelia becomes fussy so we pull over to change and feed her. The place that we stopped at had two families of geese and baby geese. Greg took pictures and should upload them sometime this week onto his flickr account.

Here's a picture of me feeding Amelia in the car:

So, finally a little after 3, we arrive at Mom's. Grandma, George, Cousin Danny, and Aunt Becky and Rachel are already there. Not too long after Greg and I arrive, my cousin April and Clayton arrive. Hooray, we're all here! Except for Van, he's stuck in traffic from Rockville.

Amelia wasn't feeling so sociable on Saturday. I blame it on the heat and her shots. So, she spent a lot of time inside. But, here are a few pictures from Saturday at Mom's:

This is a picture of April, me, Mom and Amelia:

Clayton and Amelia:

April and Lucy (looks like Lucy is kissing Aprils Baby)"

There are more on my Flickr account.

Greg and I stay until about 8:30 and the drive home was good. We talked about Mother's Day and how I was feeling about it and during the drive there was a thunderstorm! Hooray! Our first decent thunderstorm of the season! While driving through Upper Marlborough to Bowie, the heaviest part of the storm, there was this awesome cloud to ground lightening bolt that was so freaking close we were looking for a fire! It was neat.

Greg and I arrive home around 10. Amelia is up so we decide to feed her and then she goes to bed not too long after. And, I am not too far behind her.

Today, Sunday, we wake up late, even Amelia. Amelia didn't eat until 10am! Greg and I talk about what to do today and we decide to go out for ice cream, then go to Lake Waterford Park and then run to the grocery store. Here are the pictures from todays outtings:

Yummy! Ice Cream at Bruster's:

Pictures from Lake Waterford Park:

So, there's my first Mother's Day in a nutshell.

It's now 11pm, it's hot and I want to take a shower and go to bed so that is where I am heading.

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