10 June 2007


Last night, Greg stayed the night again and this morning he took Amelia home with him so that I could work on my bedroom.

I got so much stuff done! I didn't 'pack' anything, yet, but I did go through all of Amelia's clothes and put away the items that are too small or are too warm (out of season). So, basically, I cleaned out her drawer in my dresser and all that was left were her socks. Now, what I plan on doing with Amelia's items are, either give some to my cousin, April, who is having a girl, or possibly some to Greg's ex-girlfriends sister who is having a baby in Jan. 08. Greg read his exes blog on Friday and told me that her sister was pregnant. I don't know how Greg's ex would feel about me giving her Amelia's stuff, especially since I've never met nor talked to her, but she did buy Amelia a gift, so that's something, right? Anyway, there is plenty of time to debate this thought. Besides, the sex of the baby is unknown at this point.

But, I did all the laundry, swept and mopped my floor, cleaned out the liter box, and cleaned my vanity area. The room looks great! I did take pictures but I haven't uploaded them, yet. Maybe tomorrow night.

Around 4pm, I arrived at Greg's and hung out for a little while and then headed out to Super Fresh. I stopped at the one that I used to work at back in 2003, when I lived in Baltimore, off of Rt. 40. It was weird seeing so many people still there that worked there when I did! So, I went into the check out line that had someone that I recognized and he recognized me as well! It was nice to catch-up for the 15 minutes checking out.

I got home around 6 and Sean played with Amelia while I cooked dinner, chicken fajitas and Spanish rice. Everything turned out so good! Sean actually cooked the rice and what he did was add a whole can of salsa to a box of Spanish rice and white rice and it actually turned out really good! I also made a pitcher of tea. I don't know if I did it right. Not surprisingly, I was slightly confused by the directions but thought it couldn't be any difficult than making coffee, right? In any event, the tea tastes good so I think I did it right.

I like the tea brewing thing so much, I am going to buy one for my Mom for her birthday. I've already gotten her a digital thermometer and a "I Love Lucy" purse (which is what she wants since she saw one at Charles Co. Mall when I went for the funeral). I got a pretty good deal on eBay for the purse. It even came with a wallet and checkbook cover, which I am currently using. I am still waiting on my other order from eBay; Avon's Hollywood Pink lotion and perfume. I fell in love with the lotion a few years ago but haven't bought any in a while. I got a really good deal on that order as well; $15 for everything including shipping. Oddly, though, I paid for the Avon stuff before the "I Love Lucy" and I got the purse first. Hmm, guess I should check with that seller about the status of that order.

So, I am feeling pretty good. I am tired, but mentally happy. This weekend, I watched 3 movies. Norbit, The Messengers, and Fried Green Tomato's. Right now, Sean has Hedwig and the Angry Inch on. Not my thing. Has it's moments, but ... Meh. Norbit wasn't as good as it was lead to be. That too had it's moments, but not enough for me to be truly entertained. The Messengers was better, but not by much. Today, Sean and I watched Fried Green Tomato's. We haven't seen that movie in a long time and it was On Demand. Gotta love Comcast!

Anyway, I am ready to shower and go to bed. Another week has begun and we're another week closer to moving. I really can't wait for this move. I can't wait to see what's it going to be like for Greg and I to be living together as a family. It's been a while since I daydreamed that I would like the Nuclear Family lifestyle. Not since I was with Adam and during the beginning of the relationship. For a while, I changed my mind about having a family. After what I went through with Adam, I had completely changed my mind. I wanted to be single for a while and have fun. I was single for almost 2 years. And instead of having fun, I was working 2 jobs. But, I feel I grew up a lot during that time. I learned what I wanted in life, sorta, at least who I wanted to spend my life with; someone fun and carefree just as I am. Someone that could keep a job. Someone that was as spontaneous as me. Someone that would try something that I like. And so much more. And, that person turned out to be Greg. I did date a little while single and that was interesting all in itself. Ugh, there was this one guy that would not let me finish a single sentice. He would start talking as if I wasn't even saying anything. I only saw him twise. He kept calling me and finally, after a few months, he stopped. But, I had a real reason as to why I stopped talking to him, I was too exhausted from working 2 jobs to talk to anyone for that matter. I really did loose a lot of friends when I started working 2 jobs. I just didn't have the time or energy to go out with anyone. I am honestly surprised that Greg and I remained friends. But, I am glad we did.

I went into a ramble. I've got to go to bed. Nighty night!

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