10 August 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

Today has been crazy!

I've hardly had the time to read my book today and then later in the afternoon I receive a 'special' email from my supervisor informing me that two higher up people have chosen me to call customers to gather some feedback and what not. Now, this makes me feel pretty good that I was specifically thought of to do this project and I feel that this will be put into consideration for the position that I applied for last week.

We'll see!!

So, other than that, the day has been non-stop! I was even working during my lunch hour (just to catch up on a few things). I can not wait to get home tonight!

There was so much stuff I wanted to right today about my wondering mind this morning, but I never got the chance. I hope that I have some time over the weekend to write, but I don't think I will have that much time (picking Amelia up, hanging out with Cousin April, packing and cleaning out the closet and bedroom for the move next week, and so much more!)

Last night was great! I had a really nice time. Greg and I ate at Johnny Rockets, neither one of us had eatin there before; the food was too bad and the prices were pretty good. I believe the total was $20 for two appetizers and two sandwiches. After dinner, Greg and I were going to head over to Dairy Queen because for the whole day of 08/09/07, all sales of their Blizzards (or something like that) were being donated to some Childrens Organization and Greg and I wanted to contribute, but we didn't have time to make it all the way to the one end of the mall and then to the movie theater in time (and, of course, the mall was closed by the time the movie let out), so we had the Ben and Jerry's for dessert (I didn't care too much for the choice of ice cream I cho

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