27 July 2007

The Day That Never (feels like it) Ends!

Yeah, so I am totally not in the mood to work whatsoever.

Greg and I have been chatting back and forth about what we're going to do this weekend and about the condo. So far, this is the plan:

Saturday: Sleep in as late as possible. Then, at 3pm we meet the condo guy, sign the paper work, give some money and try to contain our excitment!

After that; no plan at all.

In the mean time, I've been money crunching with numbers. Since we're paying the pro-rated rent when we sign on Saturday (well, just under the total amount), we need the security deposit when we move in. Also, we still need to pay rent to his Mom, but it's only going to be half since we're moving out on the 17th of Aug. But, I also have to pay my cell phone, which is past due, and then my car payment and insurance before we move in. I think we're going to be able to make it. It helps that Mom is watching Amelia all of next week! Greg and I have got to do something nice for Mom.

But, other than that I haven't done much today. I did work, a little, on my projects (at least there isn't a 'due by' date on them) and I've already enrolled 10 new customers today (which a lot since we're so slow) and did the email thing with Denise and my Grandma. Oh, and to top it off, played some DD. I'm sure I'm not suppose to be playing this while at work, but my argument is how is it any different than reading or working on a puzzle book? I have the volume off and such, so it's not interrupting anyone and as soon as I get a call I put the DS down and focus my attention on the call. So, they can't say that the game is lowering my quality of call (especially since my score is averaging around 98%, which exceeds expectations).

Well, two more hours to go!

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