22 June 2007

Eh, Nothing to Say

After work and getting Amelia, I went to the post office to get a form to cancel my change of address request and then went to Safeway to buy baby spoons.

It was about 7:30 by the time I got home. And, no sooner than I get home comes in Greg with dinner! Aww, isn't he the greatest! He decided to come be with me; even though he wouldn't stay the night nor go upstairs to lay in bed with me and pet me. But, he did hang out with me and my brother for about two hours.

When it was time for Greg to leave, I walked outside to his car with him and we stood there chatting for about 15 minutes. We talked about our possibilities, such as moving to Churchton and living there rent free but commuting at least an hour each way to work; searching more aggressivly and cutting out a few requierments that we previously set (such as getting a one bedroom apartment instead of two and not looking for an apartment with a washer/dryer in it); and if we're unable to find something by August, I, along with Amelia, move in with Greg and his family. The only good thing about the last possibility is that the rent will be cheap, Greg's room is big enough for the three of us, and we're going to be saving money on gas. It's a plus, but not enough to make me completely happy. What would make me completely happy is to have a place to call home with Greg. That's all that I want right now.

This morning, on my way to work, I thought about what I could do with my paycheck. Since we're not moving in next week, I don't have to save for the first months rent and whatnot and my brother said that I don't have to pay rent for July. So, first I thought about buying a laptop. I've been wanting to buy a new computer for nearly two years now. And, I want a laptop. Greg has a nice computer that he bought last year, but it's not a laptop. But, I nixed that idea because it would be too costly. Then I thought about buying myself a digital camera; another item that I've been wanting to buy for a little under a year now. By the time I got to work, I had completely forgotten about my future camera purchase, and instead I went through all the bills that I can pay online and paid everything! I paid the BG&E bill, cell phone, credit card, cable, Greg's Dell account (prepaying for my future laptop!), babysitter, car and groceries. When I total the amount I just paid for all of the above, it comes to over a thousand dollars! So much for the camera. But, at least I paid off a few balances and brought a few accounts to current. So, in the end, it was probably best that I spent the money on bills rather than a camera. At least when Greg and I are able to finally move in togehter, everything will be current.

But, I so wanted to buy myself a new toy!

Eh. I'm still going to spend some money on me today or Saturday. Remember, I have a pool party that I am going to on Sunday!

It's been a while since I bought myself things. No, wait. Scratch that last statement; I bought myself a new purse on June 9th. Other than that, it's been a long while. Usually, I need my mom to get me clothes, otherwise I won't buy any. I feel guilty if I spend money on myself, even if it's something that I need.

I would love to treat myself to a nice eye waxing, since it's been over six months since I had my eyes done, and maybe get my nails done or something. I've never had a pedicure before; I'm weird about my feet and strangers touching them. Sometimes I wish I was more girly and cared about my hair, wore make-up, and did all the girly things; but, then again, I can see the benefits of not being so girly, mainly not spending all my money. I guess you could say that I am a simple girl that likes to live a simple life. Damn curious to see how Amelia is going to be when she gets older!

I received and email from my good friend, Daniel, informing me that he's coming up next weekend! I'm so excited to see Daniel. Last time I saw him was in September. That was an interesting night, to say the least. I believe I was one of two straight people for a gay birthday party! But, I did have a lot of fun.

I've been working on this blog for over six hours! It's been pretty slow today, so I read the newspaper (specifically about the O's and searching for a place to rent), chatted with the manager a bit, did some actual work, was told a secret about the company and what they are changing (which will be shared with everyone else next Thursday or Friday), talked to my Mom on the phone, did a short text messaging chat with Melissa, and so much more!

In any event, I am done. I am sleepy, and there are 17 minutes left for the work day.

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