15 June 2007

Finally Friday!

Yay! Less than 2 weeks from moving day. Greg and I are so excited!!! He's setting up the reservation for the u-haul as I type (I assume and I was correct). Hey, he even finish the reservation before I finished this sentence! Here's the email I just received from him:

From: Greg S. [mailto:*****@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 10:56 AM
To: Jessica D
Subject: RE:

We got's our Uhaul. From approx. 6:30pm on Wed 27th to 10:30AM on Friday 29th. 17 foot truck. More than enough Space.

So, I finally got a hold of my insurance agent to talk about my new premium and how much it's going to cost me. It looks like my normal payment of $84.75 will be deducted this month from my checking account and then on July 15th, they are taking $264.75 as a down payment for my new policy, but there isn't any information about how much my installments are going to be. I've tried calling the actual insurance company to get that information but their systems are down and they suggested I call back after 1pm. Crossing my fingers that it's going to be reasonable.

After work, Amelia and I went to visit Greg at his job. The weather was so nice! We stood outside the entire time. Amelia sat in the car and just talked away, and even laughed! I'm so excited that she's begun to laugh like a real baby. I can't wait to get a recording. And, she ended up falling asleep around 7:30. Greg and I talked a little more about his concern and I reassured him that we're going to be fine, and we talked about money. They say money can ruin any relationship and I believe it. So, we talked about what we would pay for out of the joint account and what we would use our separate accounts for. Basically, everything that we're going to share is going into the joint account and the separate accounts for things that we want to buy for ourselves, such as clothes, games, movies, etc. I told my Mom what Greg and I are planning and she sounds a little hesitant and her excuse was "I guess I watch too much Judge Judy", silly Momma. Also, Mom has been on this Opera kick. Every time I talk to her (almost daily) she tells me what she saw on Opera and yesterday it was about poop and pee and other body excretions; Mom said it was a great show. Hmm. Greg and I also talked about the car payments. My idea was to round up the payments to a whole amount, for example: Greg's payment is currently $385 and mine is $278. I was thinking of rounding the payments to $400 and $300. Well, Greg has a little more than a year left on his car note, so he thinks it would be best to pay my minimum and put extra to his payment to pay it off earlier than scheduled. Then, we can out his car payment and my payment together to pay off my car earlier than the six years that is set up. Shit, if we could pay my car note at $700 a month, the car wold be paid off in two years!

I am thinking that I need to start a hobby or something. Work is going to be slow this summer, as I've been told, and I don't want to just sit at my desk staring at a screen. I am thinking that I could go back to knitting, although I threw away all my supplies when I moved last summer. I could learn scrap-booking, but I don't know how well I am going to be able to keep up with the details and what not. I could go buy a baby book for Amelia and put that together and record her first year and such (even though I am 5 months behind. LOL), but, if I am truly honest with the things Greg and I talked about when we learned that I was pregnant with her I wouldn't want to share it, yet I don't want to lie about it either. So, I am torn about the baby book.

Wow!! I totally feel like gossipping but I can't!! I so want to say so much about something but I can't!! Well, at least I can write about the juicy gossip at my 'secret garden'. Oh, if people could only see what's in my 'secret garden'! Maybe one day in the future.

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