20 June 2007

Nothing Much

Ugh, I've had a pretty wicked headache all day. This headache has left me uninspired to write anything for today's entry.

For once, I am not looking forward to the end of the day (well, except for the fact that I get to be with Greg tonight). I have so much running around to do after work! I just hope the headache goes away before 6pm.

Mainly, after work, I have to stop by the auto place and give them a check for the tow and looking at the car and give them the title to the Pontiac (which, I might add, I did remember to bring this morning. Yay me!) so they can junk it. Then, once that is all said and done, I am meeting Greg at the local Giant to pick up chicken for dinner.

Even though out cupboards and refrigerator are bare, we are not going to do any serious grocery shopping. I don't see a point to spending at least $100 right now when we're moving in ONE WEEK!!!

I've been on the phone with the townhouse complex a few times today. Initially, I was calling to see if we could come over on Saturday to finish the application for Greg, then it turned into potentially signing the lease and such. Even though we won't get the keys when we sign the lease, at least all will be said and done, so that when we come back on June 28th, all we have to do is drop off the money orders for the first months rent (and the prorated rent for June 28, 29, and 30th) and everything is all said and done!

***Breaking News***

Greg sent me an email stating that he has a surprise for me and it's juicy!! So, I reply asking it the surprise is something edible or gossip and he tells me that I should call. So, I call him and he told me that his brother, Pat, called him and said something along the lines of: "So, I hear you're looking for a bed..." Pat has a very comfortable king size bed, which is something Greg and I have been daydreaming about buying after we moved in. Right now, Greg and I are both sleeping on mattresses on the floor. No frames or anything. Although, I do have a box spring and he doesn't. So, with Pat giving us his bed (because he's being deployed to Africa for military reasons) and his couches, we're pretty much set!

Have mentioned how excited I am about this move? LOL Like, I am so excited, I've been drawing on the floor plan of the unit we're moving into to see where to put the furniture and such! I know, I'm such a dork at times.

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