19 June 2007

"I Need More Lotion"

That was the phrase for the night from Greg.

Poor Greg, he got a pretty bad sunburn on his face and forearms from the game. So, last night, I gave him my bottle of Aloe lotion and I swear he was putting that stuff on every 15-20 minutes! It was so funny, he was hoarding the bottle even in bed! I made a comment to him last night that I was going to write about his recent addiction to the aloe lotion. We just laughed. This morning, Greg took the lotion with him to work. I can only imagine what he's doing with the lotion at this moment.

Is anyone else watching Hell's Kitchen? Last night was good! I can't believe they choose these people as contestants! Where the hell are they coming from? Hell's Kitchen is completely opposite of Top Chef. At least with Top Chef, these contestants know what they are doing and making, whereas with Hell's Kitchen, it's all scream and holler and making a mess. Either way, though, both are very entertaining!

Greg and I have been emailing each other for a good part of the last hour. He had a lot on his mind yesterday and this morning, after we talked about the baby shower plans for the weekend, I asked how he was doing and such; well anyway, here's the email conversation:

"From: Greg S. [mailto:*****@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 11:37 AM
To: Jessica D
Subject: RE: FW: Baby Shower

Just how amazing you are, how much I love having you in my life. How absolutly much you mean to me. Just how much I could never imagine my life without you.

How much I am utterly in love with you.

Jessica D wrote:
Aww, concentrate on me? What are you thinking about that pertains to me?


From: Greg S. [mailto:*****@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 11:30 AM
To: Jessica D
Subject: RE: FW: Baby Shower

any of it. Doesn't help to think about it, so I'll just concentraite on jobby job and you. :)

Jessica D wrote:

Which part?

I just want to make sure you’re ok and such.


From: Greg S. [mailto:*****@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 11:20 AM
To: Jessica D
Subject: RE: FW: Baby Shower

eh not letting bother me.

Jessica D wrote:

That is good to hear.

How about your mental busy-ness (apartment stuff, *****, etc)


From: Greg S. [mailto:****@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 10:59 AM
To: Jessica D
Subject: RE: FW: Baby Shower

busy but hanging in there. Headache is better"

I am still in awe over Greg. I still can't believe that my wish, dream, what have you, has come true. Greg is everything to me. He is my bestest friend and I can tell him anything without worry or fear of how he will react. Greg has told me during many occasions in the last year and a half that he considers me his best friend. He's told me that he's able to tell me anything, even now that we're in a relationship, that is on his mind regardless of the topic, and knows that my feelings for him will not change, I won't become jealous, and anything else that could effect our relationship. As a matter of fact, Greg and I are so close and open to each other, we talk about people we see in passing, say if we're at a park or restaurant, and ask what the other thinks of that person, sexually, and what not. I know Greg would never act upon these conversations, but I notice when something catches his eye and we talk or joke about it. I trust Greg. No second guessing of his loyalty to me. And, it's great that we are open with each other to talk about things as such. I really don't know where I would be, today, if I hadn't met Greg back in 2005.

Well, the baby shower for my cousin is actually on Sunday. Which is better for Greg and me. It means that we can get the money orders for the new townhouse and go there to finish the application for Greg. And, then we can go clean out the Pontiac. I spoke with the owner of the shop where the car has been, and he's going to have it towed to a junk yard for me; free of charge. So, that would complete one task that has been plaguing the back of my mind.

Ugh, it's so freaking hot outside! Have I mentioned how much I dislike summer? Well, I'll repeat it again: I really dislike summer! I do not like the humidity, the bugs, the thick air (which is the humidity, I know) and the hot hot heat! Blah!

Last night, Greg brought over one of his tubs. The plan is that he's going to bring over a tub or two each time he comes over so that we're able to move everything as efficiently as possible. The tub he brought over last night was his tub of memories, basically. He has awards from high school, his high school picture, items from when he worked at MicroPros, items from when he lived in New York, items from his first Disney Cruise, and many more items. We went through the entire tub. We kept some things, but threw a lot away as well. The items we threw away were things he couldn't remember why he saved, such as a Washington Post from 2001, pictures from an Airplane trip to New York and hotel stay, old note pads, and instruction manuals for his old stereo. It was interesting to go through the stuff with Greg. It made me think of my old chest that I used to keep, but threw away last year. Right now, I have a photo album that I've used to collect pictures of my friends and when I was in the newspaper and things related. It turns out that Greg and I both saved Far Side comics that we found interesting!

I've started to save a few things of Amelia's. So far, I've saved everything from the hospital, such as the hats she wore and every piece of paper I was given (the card in her bassinet, the results of her hearing tests, her foot prints, etc).

My Mom and I were talking earlier today (it's 2:53pm as I type) and she is clueless on what to get April for her baby shower this weekend. I suggested that she make a memory box for April and my Mom loved the idea! I told her that she doesn't have to make it now, but it would probably be better to give April the box when her baby is born. I can't wait for April's baby girl to be here. I can't wait to hold her and to see the size difference of Amelia and Aprils baby. As for a name for Aprils baby, the last I heard, it was going to be Olivia Ellen, or Ollie El as I'm probably going to call her. She also toyed with the name of Charlotte, but once she said the nickname would be Charlie, Clayton nixed the name. So, we are not to think of nicknames for the baby around Clayton. LOL

I started this post at 11:30am, and I am just finishing at 3:00pm.

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