18 June 2007

Feeling Great!

10 days until move in day!

Even my Mom is excited about Greg and I moving in together! She called me this morning, at work, to ask what the color scheme of our bathroom since she was already out shopping for us! I have the greatest Mom out there! She's been so supportive this year. She came up when I was admitted to the hospital in January for the pneumonia and while I was in, she cleaned the townhouse and got everything ready for the baby. And, when I was released, she continued to stay to help me while everyone was at work. Then, when my water broke, she took me to hospital and stayed until the wee hours of the morning. She went home around 3:30-4:00 am to get some rest and a shower, but she was back in time to see Amelia's birth, which made her so happy. She was crying with joy (as she did when she came to one of my appointments with the fetal monitoring people). Then, on the day that I started to bleed to death, I called her because I was scared (that day is still the scariest day of my life) and she came straight to the hospital. She even beat Greg! And, when Greg made it, Mom took Amelia home to take care of her while Greg stayed with me at the hospital. I wish I could have done more for Mom this past Mother's Day, but I just didn't have the funds available. But, I know she's going to have a great 48th Birthday. I've already bought her the purse that she wanted, an ice tea maker, a digital cooking thermometer (as she asked, and I quote "I want one like Alton Brown), and what ever else I decide to buy between now and July.

Mom is coming up on Wednesday, Just 27th, to help with the move; plus she has the crib and dresser for Amelia's room. And, she's bringing the truck and that means that Greg and I can return the U-Haul earlier and save us money.

Amelia is ready to try baby cereal, but I've been waiting for Mom to visit so she can be there for the first taste. The reason we know Amelia is ready is because she's licking everything she can put her hands on! It's so funny to watch her grab something, and even though she struggles a little with bringing her hand to her mouth, the first thing she does as soon as her hand is on the object is stick her tongue out to get a taste, and her tongue will stay out until the object makes it to her mouth. Greg and I laughed so much over the weekend just watching Amelia do this over and over. She would do this with her shirt, the Caterpillar rattle thing we bought, our hands, and whatever she reached (even her diaper{unused of course}).

A funny, but exciting, conversation Greg and I had over the weekend was about his company's Holiday Party. For the last 2 years, I've asked if he was going to invite me and he said no and he has two reasons why; 1. no mixing friends with co-workers; and 2. the last times he brought a date, either girlfriend or friend, bad things happened (such as, sickness at the party, date sleeping with someone else, etc); and that is why he never asked me to go with him. But, he did come to mine when I asked. So, anyway, I committed to Greg that I guess since we're living together and dating, then I must be going to his holiday party! He said "wha?!, wait a second here, what gave you that idea?" in a joking manor, and I explained my reasoning and he said "yeah, alright you can come and we're going to get you a new dress.". Yay! I'm getting a new dress! I get to show off my new body and sexy legs (as he says). When I went to the holiday party held by my current job, I was 8 months pregnant and wore a dress that I had back in 2001, which fit because of the big belly, but otherwise was too big. I didn't like the dress and how it looked on me. I can't wait to shop for a new dress and get myself all made up. I want to wow Greg and his co-workers!! Thankfully, I still haven't gained any weight since having Amelia, and now that Greg and I are going to be living together, we can eat better and take nice walks around the neighborhood after work.

Finally, it seems, that things are starting to work out for me and life. I haven't had the easiest, or best, childhood. I moved a lot, was homeless, and poor. My Mom raised my brother and me until she met Van. Mom and Van have been together for over 20 years. They haven't married and don't plan on it. But, Van has supported me and my family as if he were our father. It is because of Van, that I have learned a great deal about cars and all the cars I've ever owned, except for the Nissan, where helped by Van. We still moved a lot when I was younger. I hated being the new student every year. One year, the third grade, I went to three different schools. I can even name every elementary school I've been to: Thomas Stone Elementary, James McHenry Elementary, Mt. Rainer Elementary, Shady Side Elementary, and Tracy's Elementary.

In other news...

I finally settled the eBay dispute. Turns out, once I submitted a claim with PayPal about not receiving the item the seller immediately replies. According to the seller, she shipped the item 2 weeks ago, yet couldn't provide any proof when I asked. Also, she stated she never received my emails. So, the final result was either, offer a partial refund and send out half of what I ordered, or do a complete refund. I opted for a complete refund; which she's already completed.

This Saturday, the 23rd, Greg and I are going down to Waldorf for my cousins baby shower/pool party. I'm looking forward to the party! I haven't been swimming this year and can't wait. Plus, I get to buy a new swim suit since my old one is way too big. Also, Amelia has never been in a pool and I am curious as to how she's going to respond when I put her in; although I already have an idea: Scream until she looses her voice. It will be cute though. I can't wait to take the pictures.

I've noticed that I have some regular readers out there. Please, take a moment and introduce yourself! The regular readers come from Texas, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Maryland (excluding myself). I have an idea of who one Maryland reader is because the tracking program tells me they use a Mac and I know of three people in Maryland who use a Mac.

Greg and I are waiting to hear back from a place about a recent application. So far so good on the automatic response, but we want to talk to the actual place before we let our guard down. I've already told him to give them a call, but he's being a little hesitant.

Also, Greg is probably going to finally do something that I've been suggesting for a while. He's slightly irritated by something and he's ready to let go. I just hope he actually does it.

Moving on to the next subject...
*warning: I am going to talk about personal items so, read at your own discretion*

"Let's talk about sex, baby... Let's talk about you and me... Let's talk about all the good things and bad things there could be... Let's talk about sex"

A lot of things change with your body when you have a baby. Amongst the weight loss, healthier body (PCOS symptoms seem to have gone away, blood pressure healthy, etc), sex has changed as well. Before, I enjoyed sex and all it's pleasures from Greg while he was on top. But, now a days, sex is better if I am on top! Greg really enjoys this too. There are other positions that have improved since having Amelia as well, but I'm mainly talking about me being on top. Greg loves close sex, where were are as close to each other as possible. He says there's more of an emotional connection, which I can see his point of view. And, it's great to be able to lay on top of him, kissing and holding each other, while doing the deed. Something I've never done before with past 'deed doers'.

Sex with my ex was boring. With him, it was always the same position and he would always finish within two minutes. Plus, it was never really romantic or exciting or fun or anything else. It was just sex. Then, I met 'Willows' and he showed me a lot of things that my ex said wasn't possible because of my anatomy. Sex with 'Willows' was great! Energetic and fulfilling. For a while, 'Willows' and I would get together three times a week! I was doing all of this while my ex was still living with me. By then, my ex and I had stopped having sex. And, I told him what I was going to do and then when I did it, I told him what I was doing. It's not like I was keeping it a secret from him.

So, after a few months, 'Willows' and I moved on with our lives. I was taking classes at the community college and he was working a projects for work. 'Willows' and I still talk now-a-days. He's engaged and just bought a house. Now, the funny thing is, is that he still wants to 'get together'. I've told him about my relationship with Greg and that I am not interested, yet he still wants to meet for lunch or what not. Even though I've accepted his lunch offer in the past, we haven't yet been able to meet. At this point, I don't think I will just because it's time to move on with my relationship with Greg, and close those chapters from my past.

Anyway, back to sex after a baby... I just wanted to write to see if anyone else has experienced a change as such. I don't think the better sex is due to my feelings for Greg because I don't really associate emotions with sex; hence how I was able to have a few 'fwb's and not get attached; a rarity I was told by a few guys.

In conclusion, I'm the happiest I've been in a really long time. Things are going great, finally, for me; I have a great job, new car, new boyfriend, new home, wonderful friends, and all kinds of happy-go-lucky feelings!

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