16 June 2007

Successful Saturday

I'm amazed at how much Greg and I did today!

We left the townhouse at 10am and headed over to Wachovia in Severna Park and Greg opened a new checking account. He's going to close his account with Northwest Savings, they don't have very many branches and the ones that do exist are no where near his job or where we're going to live. We didn't open the joint account because Wachovia requires $100 to open new accounts and we didn't have $200 dollars. Plus, in order for us to receive the referral bonus, it was suggested that we open his account before the joint. So, probably next we is when we will open the joint account.

After we were done at the bank, we went to Atlanta Bread Company and had a late breakfast/early lunch. After lunch, we headed over to Target off Rt. 3 and do a little window shopping and pick up some underwear for Greg. After Target, we head over to Friendship Park (or Airport Park as I call it) and watched the planes land. Then, we head over to another spot and watch them take off. Amelia slept during this time. After watching the airplanes, we decided to go check out our new place. Turns out, I was way off on where we were located. We are at the end of the street, rather than at the beginning. Which, as its benefits since we're away from all the traffic. Plus, there is a nice pool right around the corner. I took pictures with my cell phone. Then, Amelia became a little fussy and we head for home. It was about 2:30 by the time we arrived. Once we're home, we feed Amelia, play with her for a little bit and then she takes a nap. While she's sleeping, Greg and I talk about relationship stuff. I asked him how our relationship is different from his last ones and things related. It was a very good conversation. Amelia's nap was short lived, so we get dressed and head out to Bill Bateman's for dinner. It's funny, we started our day in Severna Park and then we end the day in Severna Park. Greg was thinking the same thing as I was when I mentioned it. Dinner was good. Amelia was adorable as usual and then fell asleep. While at dinner, Bill Bateman's had a flier for a Father's Day brunch and Greg and I agree to come back first thing tomorrow morning; well, 10am when the brunch begins.

The plan for Father's Day is:

10am - Brunch at Bill Bateman's
11am - Head up to Camden Yards for the O's game (and watch them loose)
12:30pm - Try to get the baseball players to 'sign my baby'
1:35pm - The O's continue the loosing streak

and, that's all I have for now. Since the weather is going to be on the extremely warm side, we're going to see how Amelia handles the temperature.

Well, Greg wants to use the laptop, so I will finish later or tomorrow.

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