01 June 2007

About Last Night... (a MUST read)

I had a GREAT time! I spent FOUR wonderful hours on the side of 295 (BW Parkway)!!

Not even five minutes from leaving work, my car decides to give up on me. It just stopped going and when I gave it gas, it would kick and sputter and not want to move. Somehow, I was able to make it to the shoulder after my car died on me two or three times. As I made it to the side of the road, another car pulled over and these two handsome men in uniform (the car died at the exit for the NSA) came out of their car and helped me, a damsel in distress. Once my initial shock of, 1. a stranger actually helping another stranger, and 2. the look of these adorable men in uniform, wore off, we started to play doctor (not in the good way *wink wink*), car doctor that is. I explained the 'symptoms' and showed them 'where it hurt' and ... after about 15 minutes... there was nothing they could do for me. We came up with a few possible diagnoses and the two that fit best were: 1. timing belt is broken, stretched, off, or what have you, and 2. transmission is shot (since the transmission fluid was black and smelt burnt). Now, while these two adorably handsome men and I were talking, another person pulls over but, it's someone I know; a fellow co-worker. She stops to make sure all is good and whatnot. Then, it's time for the gorgeous men to leave, woe is me. After the eye candy left, another co-worker of mine pulled over. I feel so loved! But, there was nothing they could do so I told them to go home or where ever they were going. Not too long after they left, a state trooper pulls up. Wow, I am so popular today! I even caused 295 to back up!! I wonder if I was on the radio for traffic jams... Anyway, he tags my car while I am on the phone with roadside assistance. During the many phone calls I made and received, I was able to reach Greg and Sean. Greg arrived first and he took the car seat out of my car to pick Amelia up and then he went to the townhouse. Sean arrived not too long after Greg and Sean pretty much confirmed what the fascinating looking men and I thought was wrong with the car. All the while, I am still on the phone with roadside assistance. After about 25 minutes, the rep tells me that she's going to have to call me back about an ETA for a tow. After about 10 minutes, I receive a phone call and they tell me it will be about 2 hours, at the earliest!!! By now, it's about 6:45pm. I'm like, whatever and all that jazz.

By now, I have to pee. Perfect! So, I try to ignore the urge. I didn't last long. I ended up walking up the hill, into the creepy woods, and peeing on a log. I was so excited that I didn't get any pee on me! I make it back to Sean's car and we just hang out for a bit. Around 8:30, I receive a phone call from my roadside assistance. They are calling because the tow truck that was dispatched to me has broken down. Yes! Now, a tow truck needs a tow! Oh, the irony. And, to make everything even more amazing, they tell us that a new truck should reach us within an hour and a half! Sean and I are in awe of how perfect this evening is going. Really! What could make things better? I know! Ordering a pizza! Well, sorta. After I spoke with roadside assistance, again, I called Greg, who was still at the townhouse, to see if he would be so kind and bring Sean and I some pizza (that Mom had ordered earlier in the night). And, Greg being to most awesome boyfriend there is, said he would. And, as a bonus for Sean, Greg brought Aaron along and ciggie-butts for Sean. While Sean and I were waiting for Greg and the pizza, a person pulls up (second one tonight. The first was a guy from NY looking for I95N) and asks how to get to 198. This guy had a very heavy accent and wasn't familiar with the area, obviously. The guy asked us to drive him to 198 (with him following, of course). We try to explain to him that we are waiting for a tow truck and can not leave. Sean ended up showing the guy how to get to 198, basically getting him in the right direction on 295. According to Sean, the guy still took the wrong exit!

While Sean was taking the guy to 295 S, I receive a phone call from the tow guy and he tells me that he's on his way and should be here in about 20 minutes!!!! I screamed for joy while on the phone with him!!! I was so happy!!!! By now, it's 9:15pm. So, the tow guy and I chat on the phone for about 15 minutes. Weird, I know. And, as soon as Sean returns I hang up with the guy and tell Sean the great news! Then, about 5 minutes later, Greg and Aaron arrive! So, here we are at 9:45pm, outside, chatting it up, eating pizza on the side of 295. At least the weather was nice! Less than 8 minutes from when Greg and Aaron arrive the tow guy arrives. We offer him some pizza. He declines. But, we get the ball rolling with the tow. In the mean time, Greg goes home and it's just Sean, Aaron and me. Good times were still had by all.

By 10pm, my car was on the truck and we head off to the repair shop. Since the mileage exceeded what my roadside assistance covered, I had to pay $50 out of pocket. And, in cash. So, once the car was dropped off, we drive over to a gas station for an ATM. Once everything was said and done, Aaron, Sean, and I were home at 11pm.

Hey, it could have been worse!

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