03 June 2007

Spring Cleaning!

All we, Sean, Aaron, and I, have done today is clean!

This morning, once Amelia was asleep, I ran out to Giant and picked up some cleaning supplies and products. I spent $75! Sheesh!

We've cleaned a lot of the little stuff, such as the doors, steps, walls, etc. As well as the floors, laundry, tub, etc. Just a lot to do! And, we're doing pretty good with time.

What has motivated this extensive cleaning is the landlords pending visit. We haven't talked to her since Friday. We don't even know if she is in fact coming over but we don't want to take the chance of her stopping by and the place looking like it did. I am planning on taking pictures once we're done.

Amelia has been ok, so far. I haven't been able to do much for my room because I was working on the kitchen and bathroom. So, I called Greg to see if he would watch Amelia for a few hours so I could get my stuff done and his responce was "It's my day off." He's gets a whole day to himself. I am with Amelia every single day. All I asked was for a few hours and all he could tell me what that it's his day off. What the fuck! I ended the conversation with something along the lines of something about playing his computer games and he mentioned something about the Mon Wed Fri when he's over as my days off, even though I still help him with Amelia, and I said fine and hung up on him. I was, and still am, pissed that he would rather spend all fucking day playing his precious computer games (and do his laundry, which was needed and he's been up since 9:30am and I asked him how he was on his task of things to do and he said he was fine and that is when I asked if I could drop Amelia off so I could get my tasks done) and he basically said no because he wants to play games. We only have a little more than 3 weeks to pack and clean. I want to get a head start and the only time is on the weekends. I am so angry and hurt right now. I don't plan on calling Greg at all today. I don't even know if I want to talk to him. Period.

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