19 July 2007


What does 155 mean? Well, this would be my 155th post here. I have 117 on MySpace.

Today has been unique. I haven't been at my desk much of the day, and here is why:

  • I get in at 9am. Yummy! Work provided breakfast for all; we have muffins, danishes, bagels, and an assortment of fresh fruit.

  • At 10:22am, we have our quarterly 'Town Hall' meeting. Very interesting meeting; learned about the company's raises (like when they're suppose to happen), products the company is going to try to gain new customers, etc.

  • Return to my desk at 12:15pm and immediately go on my lunch break (after my potty break). And, lunch was provided by Work, and catered by Macaroni Grill. I have the chicken and pasta with a Caesar salad. Yummy in my tummy.

  • So, that's what I've been up to this morning, in a nutshell.

    Last night, Greg and I went to the storage place and unloaded some items that we've been carrying around in our cars. Afterwards, we went to Denny's for dinner. I just didn't feel like cooking last night.

    Last night was pretty uneventful. We didn't do much of anything. Sean and Aaron have started packing the living room and we began discussing who is taking what and such.

    Greg and I talked a bit more last night about things and eventually he told me that he doesn't want to talk about 'it' anymore (I was asking way too many questions about something; nothing about Greg and I and our future). So, I kinda dropped it. I, honestly, just wasn't feeling very chipper last night; if anything I was feeling kinda depressed. I had no real reason that I could my finger on for my depressed feeling though, so that kinda annoyed me. And, if I had to take a stab at what might be the reason, though my conscious mind isn't proving this, it would be that I am homeless come this weekend. I've never not had a place that I was a part of, well since Mom and Van met. This whole Greg and I finding a place to live has really dampened my spirits, I guess (again, can't confirm this 'theory' since my conscious mind isn't really telling me this, or so I don't think) *Mental Note: Never eat chocolate muffines; too messy and sticky*

    Blaaahhh. I have a wicked headache, still. And can not find my Aleive.. bbbooo...

    On the bright side, Greg sent me an email informing me to "So mark your calendar. Aug **th. MBC and friends gain 50lbs at the Orioles game. heheheheh. They were most excited about the all you can eat deal." Earlier this week or sometime last week, Greg told me that the Orioles are hosting "All-You-Can-Eat Left Field Club for the remainder of the season. The tickets are $35 per person and you can eat all you want on hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, soda, and so much more! Click on the link for more details.

    I think I am done for now. I really can't remember what else I wanted to write about and this headache is really starting to get to me (moving down to my ears and neck now). I want a nap!

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