30 May 2007

This and That

I do believe this is the lastest I've started a new post on a new day. I've been reading a lot online today, all the while making and receiving phone calls for work. Eh, it's been an ok day for productivity. I am planning on doing most of my 'work' later in the day; but, I say that everyday. LOL

Ugh! Have I mentioned that I hate summer? Summer is the least favorite season of mine. I prefer Winter/Fall than Spring/Summer. I hate the heat and humidity. I hate the bugs and air quality (even more so with my asthma). The only plus to summer is going to the beach, but I haven't been to Ocean City, or any beach for that matter, in five plus years. Maybe Greg and I will go this summer, but I'm not pushing it. Some may argue swimming is a summer bonus but my rebuttal is there are indoor swimming pools that allow you to go swimming anytime of the year. Ugh! I don't like summer one bit!

Last night I received an email from Adam notifying me that he has mailed the papers to me. So, we'll see how long this takes. I haven't replied to him, I don't see a reason as to why. When I got the email (it was fwd to my cell phone as a text - Love Cingular), I called my Mom to let her know since she's always asking. She was like "Finally!" and "Good riddance". She never disliked Adam, but she didn't 'approve' of him because he was such a baby in her eyes. She felt that Adam couldn't do anything for himself. Adam wasn't a bad guy. The only 'issue' was that he was never, if ever, happy. He always had a dark cloud over him and he never tried to get ride of said cloud. And, eventually, his dark cloud was starting to grow over me and I decided that I didn't want to 'share' his dark cloud and told him. So, rather than seek help to remove his dark cloud, he accepted the separation. His loss. I don't feel he's any happier now than he was when we were together. I get this impression from his emails. He's stated that at times he feels moving to PA wasn't the best solution. He's having no luck finding a job up there either. Meh, not my concern anymore.

Last night I had the dreaded 'work dream', which is when you dream that you're at work. It was interesting because I was asking about my commissions/bonuses. I don't recall any answers, if any, about my questions.

Tonight, Greg comes over!!! Yay! I really enjoy spending time with Greg. This past weekend, we spent four consecutive, glorious days together. I believe that's the longest we've spent together. I seriously can't wait until we find a place and start our lives together. Greg called the condo guy last night but he never returned Greg's call. Greg and I don't know if that's a bad sign or not. But, I am being optimistic and thinking that the condo guy is busy since his wife had a baby last Friday and whatnot. I suggested to Greg to wait a few days and then call again if we don't hear from him before hand and Greg agreed.

Today is Van's birthday. I believe he turns 65 today, if my memory serves correct (and it usually does). I've tried calling to wish him a happy birthday, but I haven't been able to reach him or my Mom.

Over the weekend, Greg and I were talking about one of his ex-girlfriends. So, we decided to look her up on MySpace, because just about everyone under the sun has a MySpace page. Anyway, we were able to find her! What prompted this search was that Greg kept telling me that I look like someone but he couldn't put his finger on who, then out of the blue he says I look like one of his exes and I HAD to look her up. To me, she looks much older than her actual age. To me, I don't see any resemblance. So, we went through her posted pictures and what not. I asked him if it was weird looking at her now and he said yeah and I am sure I would feel the same way. He proposed to this girl. Thankfully, and to my benefit and advantage, they never married. Today, just because I was bored and I like to read and stuff, I searched for her MySpace page again and she's set it as private. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Curious, has anyone else ever looked up an ex on MySpace or Y! or any of those type of websites? I have, though I wasn't successful in actually finding them. But, I did find my ex brother-in-laws page. I've thought about saying hello and stuff, but haven't done so. I've also thought about calling them, but again, I haven't. I don't know if I should because I don't know if that would be crossing the 'ex' lines. I got along well with everyone, no conflicts of interest or anything. I just don't know what to really talk about other than to ask how they are doing and things related. It would be weird to talk about Amelia since she has no relation to them. I don't know, in due time I suppose.

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