21 May 2007

Monday Musings

Yep, there were other surprises with the SSA!

Ok, so I go in just to get a letter confirming the number was assigned to me. Simple request, right? Well, not to the person that called my number. First, she thought I was trying to verify the other name that appears on my number and that took about 5 minutes to correct. Then, we learn that the date of birth on my number has been entered incorrectly on the last change (Feb. 04 due to name change) and the rep begins to correct that without informing me and she begins to ask for my SS Card, ok got that, drivers license, ok got that, birth certificate, uh no - only hear for a letter, passport, uh no - again, I'm only hear for a letter. Then she gets someone to help her because she can't override the system to correct my date of birth because I don't have all the forms of verification. Uh, lady, I am only here for a letter confirming that the SS number was indeed assigned to me. Then, after about 25 minutes, she realizes my true reason this visit and prints a letter for me. Good Grief! Now, I have to go back to correct my date of birth and figure out who this guy is using my SSI. Joy. But, this is all going to have to wait until Greg and I find a place and move.

Greg and I talked a little bit more about my future engagement. He says he's going to make is super special and I suggested proposing at an O's game and he said no because he would rather do the proposal somewhere more intimate than around thousands of people. I can see his point of view, but at the same time, if someone is going to ask me to marry them, I want the world to know! Even more so if someone is going to do the proposal right! I've told Greg that I am already excited about this pending proposal even though I know it won't be happening anytime soon; nor am I expecting it anytime soon. Greg and I want to make sure we are capable of living together before we commit the rest of our lives together. But, from the amount of time we have already spent together, I don't for see any issues that would prevent us from being together for the rest of our lives.

Of all the time that Greg and I have spent together, we haven't had any arguments and that's amazing. We've had a few 'issues' but nothing that jeopardized our relationship, plus the 'issues' weren't arguments so I don't even know if they really count. Greg and I have been friends since August 2005. He considered us 'dating' around May 2006 and then we become 'committed' to each other in February 2007. So, we have some history though not a lot. And, what's nice is that we were friends before dating and really got to know each other. Greg tells me that he felt some connection to me only after a few get together. Which is funny because after Greg and I met for the first time I didn't think he was ever going to contact me again with me being as shy as I am. But, he obviously felt differently and I am very thankful that he doesn't judge a person by their first impression. Since then, Greg and I have been in contact every single day, except for the time that he drove to Detroit to see his Dad in Sept 2005. I have every single email he's ever sent me and there are well over a thousand emails. He's told me that he's saved my emails as well. I feel Greg and I complete each other. I never felt that with Adam. I don't have to give up things that make me happy to make Greg happy since Greg and I enjoy the same things; whereas with Adam it was always what he wanted to do or watch since we didn't have as many common interests; and sometimes I wouldn't go with him to things he wanted to do. It's great to be with someone and to do things together because we enjoy them together.

Speaking of Adam, he sent me an email on Friday telling me that he is getting over his pneumonia and will be mailing the papers out asap since he doesn't want to drag the process. I don't know if I believe him anymore. Greg and I feel he's been lying to me as to why he hasn't mailed out the papers sooner. His replies are always something outrageous (like when the post office or Staples didn't have any envelopes large enough to send the papers back). He's had the papers for over a month now (I mailed them on April 11th). I wonder if he's told his girlfriend about his marriage. But, if I don't receive the papers by the end of the month, I am going to become more aggressive with completing this divorce even if it means having him served by the sheriff.

My mind isn't being so nice to me. It wants to plan and organize things that arn't ready (not referring to the pending engagement or things related). I want to organize Greg and my income, set up the accounts for bills and such. Greg wants to open an account with Wachovia but he wants to wait until we know where we're going to live so he won't have to get new checks (which makes sense), but I want him to open the account now! I want to set up our joint account and savings account. I want to plan out our bill payments and see how much money we have for fun and toys for us (Greg is dreaming of a flat screen television and I am dreaming of a new car). There's so much that I want to do right now that I can't!

I am going to help Greg pay off his Dell bill so that I can order my laptop through his account. I've already looked online and I know what I want. I also want my own camera. I'm parshall to Sony and would like to get one for myself. I've been using my Mom's camera and my brother's Dell (laptop). Greg has a great camera and desktop but I want my own. Besides, Greg camera isn't pocket friendly and I would like to get a camera that is portable for either my pocket or purse.

Speaking of purses, while Greg and I were at Annapolis Mall on Friday, we went to Wilson's Leather. I wanted to look for a new purse and my Mom suggested them. Their selection was ok. I didn't really find exactly what I wanted but I considered settling with an item. Greg, on the other hand, found something that he wanted to replace his current 'bag' (that he keeps his 'important' items in). Wilson's Leather was having a sale of 'buy one get one half price' and both bags were on sale for $48. Greg talked me out of buying both bags. We need to save the money for our security deposit and he's right. Plus, since I didn't find exactly what I wanted I shouldn't settle because of the sale and the fact that he found something he wanted. And, he's right. But, at least I have more idea's for Father's Day gifts.

Greg commented again how much he enjoys our relationship and how we're able to talk to each other about anything on our mind. Over the weekend, Greg and I had another serious conversation reguarding our relationship (not referring to engagement or marriage). There are some things that pop into Greg's mind and he's thankful that he can talk to me about it rather than surpress the thoughts. I'm assuming that Greg's past relationships weren't as open as ours. My past relationship was open with Adam though he wasn't open with me. I even told Adam that I was cheating on him (before I met Greg) and he only response was 'ok'. I told him why I was doing it and I even told him before I did it that I was thinking about doing it and he still didn't say ro so anything to tell me not to. The relationship I had with Adam is no where near as close (on all levels) as the relationship Greg and I have.

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